Milkyweb Astronomical Observatory Guide




Se stai cercando un osservatorio, puoi

1. die Weltkarte oben links benutzen, um zuerst einen Kontinent und
      danach ein Land aus einer alphabetischen Liste auszuwählen.

2.   Zum Schluss klicken Sie bitte auf das Land Ihrer Wahl, und Sie erhalten
      eine Liste mit Sternwarten (sofern welche in der Datenbank vorhanden

Pubblicare i propri dati informativi

Chiunque abbia un osservatorio astronomico (indipendentemente dalle sue
dimensioni) e' invitato a riempire il questionario cosi' da rendere pubblicabili
le informazioni contenute nel database. Spero vivamente che cio' possa
contribuire ad instaurare nuovi rapporti.

Those, who support the realization and operation of this site:

Belgian observatories by: Jean-Marc Wislez, Volkssterrenwacht Urania, Hove, Belgium
Earth atmospheric transmission spectrum by: Bill Blair, The John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
French translation by: Didier Van Hellemont/Raoul Lannoy,  Volkssterrenwacht Urania, Hove, Belgium
Italian translation by: Marco Cavagna, Sormano Astronomical Observatory, Sormano, Italy
News by: Fraser Cain, UNIVERSE TODAY, Vancouver, Canada
Night sky brightness map by: P. Cinzano, F. Falchi (University of Padova), C. D. Elvidge (NOAA National Geophysical Data Center, Boulder). © Royal Astronomical Society
Optical observatories based on: IAU observatory codes, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge MA, USA and Institute of Applied Astronomy, Russian Academy of Science, St. Petersburg, Russia
PHP-Scripts by: Klaus Lanz, Functional-Webware, Freiburg, Germany
Radio observatories mostly from: Daniela Düßdorf, c/o Norbert Junkes, Max-Planck Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany, and The National Academies, Washington DC
Russian translation by: Irina Neumann, Speichersdorf, Germany
Sky view by: Chris Peat, Heavens Above, Munich, Germany
World´s largest optical telescopes from: Students for the exploration and development of space 
Idea, realization, hosting by:  © 2001-2023 Wolfgang Grond, NUMBERLAND™ Kulmbach, Germany
Last Update: 2023-01-20